Pineapple Boat Hawaiian Chicken


I saw someone eating this once…and swear to god, just figured it out. It’s easy to adjust to your tastes, takes about 45 minutes to make from beginning to end, and looks like culinary gold.


  • 1 Large Pineapple, whole
  • 1 lb of boneless chicken (whatever cuts you like)
  • 1 jalapeno, sliced into thin rounds
  • 1 Red Pepper, julienned*
  • 1 thumb size piece of Ginger, minced
  • 2 cloves of Garlic, minced
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp hoisin sauce
  • 1 Cup Jasmine Rice, cooked**
  • Asparagus, steamed***
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil


PREP WORK: Cut your pineapple in half the long way, remove the core. Then scrape the meat of the pineapple out until the shell basically makes a large bowl (with a bit of the meat left). (This is seriously the LONGEST PART OF THE OPERATION)

  1. In a large skillet heat sesame oil on high heat till it shimmers, then add chicken, garlic, and ginger. Stir near constantly to keep garlic from burning.
  2. As all edges of chicken become brown add both hoison and soy sauce, reduce heat to medium and continue to stir 2-3 minutes, then add both red and jalapeno peppers, half the pineapple meat and juice (you’ll have some left), and stir till peppers are soft, but not mushy.
  3. Place rice, and asparagus in one end of the pineapple “bowls” and chicken in the other (see picture)

Seriously…that’s it. Told you it wasn’t hard

NOTES: *julienne means cut into thin even strips if you don’t know **or you can use minute rice or some of that stuff in the bag if you’re not into having to take 45 minutes to cook REAL rice ***Steam in a bag or do in the broiler of the oven if you want.