Tatertot Casserole


This recipe is the one my kids text me for the most. You’d think they’d write it down but they don’t. I’ve offered to pay for them to get it tattooed on their bodies because they request it so much. This is GOOD TASTING food…that is BAD FOR YOU…but there’s lots of it. And sometimes you need that..ya know?


3 pounds hamburger meat
3 cans cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup sour cream
2/3 cup milk
2 bags tater tots
1 disposable lasagna pan*
Large bag of shredded cheese**


  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Cover bottom of lasagna pan with tater tots
  3. Brown hamburger meat
  4. Top tater tots with hamburger meat
  5. Mix soups, sour cream, and milk thoroughly and place on top of hamburger meat and tater tots.
  6. Bake for an hour and ten minutes, take out of oven and top with cheese. Place back in oven and turn off heat. Let sit 10 more minutes or until cheese is melted on top. Then take out of oven and let set for another 5 minutes or you’ll burn your goozle.

NOTES: *Go to the grocery store and get you one of those big disposable lasagna pans for like 2 dollars…it will save you headaches cleaning up…like FOR REALS. **I use cheddar jack…don’t use mozzarella it will just get gummy. Something with cheddar in it will do fine.