Someone Must Be Sick Soup

When my kids were young, I’d come home from work and sometimes my mother in law would be there…making this soup. I’d always ask “Who’s sick?”, because if she was there making this soup SOMEONE in the house was sick. It’s easy to do…tastes GREAT…and will cure damn near anything wrong with you. (Thanks Patricia for showing me how to make it.)


  • Cut up whole chicken
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 box Anne’s Flat Dumplings (24oz)*
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 4 eggs
  • Frozen Peas


  1. In a large pot, boil chicken in enough water to cover (depending on your pot how much of the water it will take). When done, take out chicken, shred off the bone and set aside. Discard bones.
  2. Add another 2 cups of water into same pot of water then bring back to a boil and put dumplings in one by one, reduce to medium heat and cook till almost done.
  3. Add cream of mushroom soup.+
  4. Add chicken back in pot and stir until dumplings are done.
  5. Crack eggs and put into pot whole. And let simmer without stirring till eggs are cooked through.
  6. Add peas and let warm through if you want some green

    Serve hot…with one egg in each bowl…and salt and pepper to your liking…it’s AMAZING.

NOTES: *Or you can use any wide egg noodle…but I like the frozen ones best…gives a better flavor. + add some more water while you’re at it…or it won’t be “soupy” enough… **You can also add some extra mushrooms if you like somewhere near step 5…but I’m a mushroom guy.